Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Calling All Authors

Calling All Authors

Your Opportunity to Contribute to an Anthology on life with Turner Syndrome

Claudette Beit-Aharon, a mother of a girl with TS is creating a book of essays written by women and girls who have Turner Syndrome. The aspiration of the book is to provide a view of TS as a challenge and opportunity. The focus will not be exclusively on medical problems, but on personal growth, understanding, and reflection.

Turner women and girls are encouraged to write and share in 2000 words or less, their tales of trial and triumph; perceptions of the world and life; views on fertility and sexuality; relationships with parents, friends, siblings and partners; and visions, dreams and reflections. From the submissions, we will be selecting approximately 40 essays, roughly equally divided between those from girls and women with TS.

There will be an appendix with medical info on TS, with references to online information, and a glossary of terms. Writers will not have to explain these details. Plus, contributors will have the opportunity to vote and may make suggestions on the title. The current working title is The Long and the Short of it: Turner Syndrome Women and girls share their insights.

Submissions or questions can be sent to Claudette Beit-Aharon at

1 comment:

  1. Hi Claudette, thank you for putting this together. This will be helpful to so many people.
